Does he need more red?

Started my first kit, so far so good but I don’t know if he should be more red for a newborn, what do you think?


Looking good so far! There are so many different skin tones, this looks good or you could add more red for a newborn baby look:)

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Would you add a dark/burnt red for newborn or the pinkish red that it’s already got? So scared to make a mistake and ruin it lol

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It really depends on what you are going for, I do a ton of thin layers in many different colors to achieve newborn red. I think you should try a thin layer of the dark/burnt red and see how you like it. It shouldn’t change the color too much with only one wash anyway.

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I really want that couple days old look but it’s all new to me and I don’t know how to achieve it, I will try the dark red thin layer like you suggested, thank you x


That’s what I wanted for my first reborn too, I love brand new babies! :heart:

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Maybe use a reference photo? I find when I want a specific look finding a photo helps. Then I can look at it for shading and such.

Great job so far.


First kit - how exciting! IMO, he/she needs more color regardless if you are trying to achieve 2 days old or ‘just born’ baby. Have fun, because being nervous might ruing all your enjoyment.
It looks great so far. lLooking forward to see you future art creations.


If I can, I would like to ease your mind a bit. I really don’t think we can ruin the doll unless they are cooked too long in the NuWave oven, or maybe, for some reason, you might cut too much. But, some people have even fixed tears and such. So, just paint the baby and if it is not what you want, you can strip it and start over. Just saying that you don’t need to worry about ruining it unless you bake it way too long in the oven. I do hope this will help you to be more relaxed about it.


You are absolutely right, I don’t know why I’m worrying so much, this kit is meant to be to practise on and have fun but I think I’m trying to run before I can walk, I need to relax a bit more about it and just enjoy learning x

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