Does anyone no what kits from BB are full limbs? Has anyone reborned Riley? Pics Please :) TY

Order the body from Lorraine at dald. She can make anything you need! Oh I think I just saw someone selling one on the forum!

Thatā€™s a good idea girl. I love her bodies. Iā€™m gonna try one from another kit I have on sugar an if fits right I will order honey :slight_smile:

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I did Riley many years ago in 2007

Nadia - SOLD 10/07 by Angie Jones Nadia - SOLD 10/07 by Angie Jones

Wow sheā€™s is adorable. Iā€™m gonna grab Riley. I did get honey kit but I know she wants full limbs an like a Carmel skin tone. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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Sheā€™s perfect. Iā€™m gonna go order her now this way I have a few choices to choose so this girl said she donā€™t mind 3/4 arms I was gonna do honey an sugar but then last night she said she wanted 2 different babies. Not twins because they have the same limbs so maybe I will do Riley an sugar. She wants a Carmel skintone. I have never done a biracial baby so this is gonna be my challenge. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


Wow, that is probably the cuteet Riley I have ever seenā€¦she is soooooooo adorable!


I do recommend ordering the BB body specifically for her because her arms need the special caps like the BB body has. They are almost full.