Does anyone know who this kit is? Is it a real kit?

I was just browsing on Mercari and saw someone list this doll for sale…I’m not interested in buying this one, but was wondering if this was a legit kit? The listing called him Brendan toddler and said he was 28in tall. I can’t find anything on him and don’t know if the kit is Brendan or they named him that (or if the kit is even a boy). I love the face of this doll and am hoping it’s a legit kit out there and not a fake/knockoff or a SOLE. Thank you for your help!


This might be the Teegan Sculpt by Ping Lau. She’s available on Irresistables. :green_heart::heart:

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Isn’t it Katie Marie?


Maybe Bonnie by Linda Murray?


Oooh yes! Has to be Bonnie!

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Could be purely coincidental however I’ve noticed the knock off of the Bonnie sculpt has the same knock off version of Arianna Schick limbs.

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The legitimate Bonnie and Arianna have very similar hands.