Does anyone here reborn at night?

I have been trying to get started for days, but my two year old is just a little too “helpful” to get anything done (I know, what was I thinking?), so I’m guessing I can only work at night. There may be a lighting issue though, right? Do I need any special kind of lamp or anything? Too bad because my work space is right in front of a huge window. :confused:


I just asked this same thing cuz I had to keep stopping when the sun started setting. Lol Everybody pretty much said the OTT light is the best! I still need to grab one. :slight_smile:


I do a lot of reborning at night when it’s quiet and peaceful. I recently moved my painting desk into the dining room as my private workroom was just too dark. I replaced all the bulbs in there with bright daylight bulbs in a natural day light color, I don’t do a lot of detail work at night but I’ll add base colors, washes, flesh tones and do any hair painting of any needs to be done. I wait on mottling or fine details during the day light so I can take it to different rooms and outside to check for pooling, runs, color changes etc. I also do lots of work during naps too :wink:


Thanks, ladies! Amazon Prime here I come! Lol Just looked and discovered that there are thousands of these. What’s good? The big floor lamp? I just saw a small desk top one that has some magnifying glass attached. That might be helpful.

@ABHoriginals, thanks, didn’t think of that, but yes, I could do washes and stuff at night, saving the detailed work for the day time.

@DDDolly, Enjoy your nap. That’s my second favorite hobby these days. :joy:


I use the floor lamp. I need more wiggle room than the table model gives.

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I bought the floor lamp that @jeanhai has, and a large desk one( 200.00 but 40 percent off with hobby lobby coupon) :+1:t2::+1:t2: and a small desk one that was 2 cheap to pass up on eBay!

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I have a work lamp, I work almost only at night. I can relax & focus at night. :blush:


Usually the only time I get! Luckily I have a wake up alarmy clock with simulation sun, it’s pretty good. I’d say an ott lamp?


During the week the only time I’m able to work on babies is at night after work. I have a huge lamp with 5 daylight bulbs and a smaller magnifying ottlite lamp that clamps to my work table for when I’m rooting.

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I used to only paint at certain times during the day- and not if it was dark and rainy, but since I got my Ottlites I paint whenever I have the time. I have a desk one and a floor version.


I also use the Ott lamp in conjunction with regular lighting, and work when my husband is with our son in the evenings. I think it’s a common issue with little ones. Plus I want to give me little guy my full attention when I’m with him. :slight_smile:

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