Does anyone have a Chobby kit by Lenka Polacek Hucinova for sale?

I have a very sweet friend who is looking for a Chobby kit. She’s not a reborner but wants me to make him for her if she can find the kit. I told her I would ask my friends here and see if anyone had one for sale. I have a Chobby kit but I won’t part with him. Hopefully I can find one here so she won’t try to talk me out of the one I have!!! :innocent:


Awwww he’s so cute! I’ve never seen this kit before.

This is my guy, just about to start my girl :slight_smile:

@Rayvn Awwww he is so adorable!! Love his outfit and the bag!! I’ll be starting my Chobby in a few days after I finish rooting Mary Ann Blick. Chobby is going to be a “keeper”! I really wish I had bought Cherry too when she was available. Can you please tell me what body you bought for the Chobby kit and where did you buy it? Thanks for posting his picture. Please post pix of Cherry when you finish her!! :heart_eyes:

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@wispywillowrebo Thanks Willow. My friend ended up buying the Chobby that you posted the link to on eBay!! It also good to know that City of Angels has him too. I think I might buy myself a second one and Cherry too while I’m at it. :heart_eyes:

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He came with a body :slight_smile:

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