Do you think?

Do you think BB will ever make a full vinyl realborn kit?

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I don’t know but it would be awesome to have a full vinyl torso realborn.


I highly doubt it, unless they sculpted part of the torso themselves due to the invasion of privacy. Even though they are babies it’s a little creepy.

They have realborn plates where they have sculpted private areas, so technically they probably could if they wanted to.

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I know, I was thinking of a full body vinyl realborn like Maggie/Maddox lol…I was just thinking they could scan the whole baby lol…I don’t know how it works :joy:

I wonder is you could use Maggie’s torso for a Realborn?? Would it be too big?

As much as I’d love, in theory, to have a realborn torso, I can’t imagine how I’d feel as an adult if a physical replica of my entire baby body were available to the world. That would be a special and extreme kind of violation. I’m fairly confident it would wreck my relationship with my parents and anyone else who was involved in the creation of it. I imagine a lot of the babies scanned thus far will be alright with their head and limbs being replicated, but their whole bodies? I think that’s where the line needs to be drawn.


If they sculpted the diaper area instead of doing that from a scan they could. Otherwise it would be weird.


They clearly have the technology to do this- it was used to sculpt the parts on the realborn plates and probably some of the open eyed kits- so this is really a non issue. While BB may at some point release a full body realborn, who knows, the privacy of the baby will not be an issue because they absolutely will sculpt the private parts… If I had to guess, they may hesitate because of people who don’t read or understand that digital sculpting programs exist. This alone has the potential to cause them a massive headache and PR nightmare.


They could always make a gender neutral full body realborn. Just don’t add the genitalia, like most store bought full bodied dolls. The only way it would be apparent it wasn’t anatomically correct would be when the doll was fully naked. It would be a good compromise - full body without infringing on the baby’s privacy.