Do you think this painted kit looks biracial?

Hi there ladies! I fell in love with a beautiful painted Fei Yen kit I saw on worth point. I really like him. I was wondering if he looks biracial. One of my friends said he did but I think he looks like an Asian baby. I need a second opinion. What do you ladies think? If he looks biracial, what do you think he looks mixed with? Here’s pictures:

Isn’t he cute?


I agree! Fei Yen can also be a girl or a boy! My friend said he looks like he’s hispanic mixed with caucasian. Either way, I really like it!

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I think he is cute. And not all white babies are pale. Whatever my genes are mixed with, me and 2 of my kids all came out olive skinned. My sister was really dark. If you like the baby then thats al that matters. :slight_smile:

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Color can be relative. I made my first bi-racial baby and, I admit it’s a light, creamy brown but my mom said it was my brother’s skin tone as a baby. Go figure…

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Thanks Ladies for all of your replies! I think he is beautiful and I am going to have a doll done similar to this one as the painted kit in the pictures sold. It will be a boy and I plan on naming him, Kenneth!

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