Do you always...?

Do you personally ALWAYS bake after each layer?? That is what I normally do, but I’m wondering if it’s absolutely necessary. Has anyone had success with baking after every few layers?


I do, :mask:


Have you had any issues with the layers running together or stripping the previous layers?

I do not bake after every single layer and I’ve had no issues because I wait for each layer to completely dry before adding another layer on top. This is for mottling layers…I do a red, dry, blue, dry…bake…green, dry, yellow, dry, bake…and so it goes. I might not make any sense. This is why I don’t try to teach :grinning:


I bake after each complete layer. For example after each wash where the whole doll is covered, or after overall mottling where I don’t want to disturb the layer underneath. But if I am just doing spot washes, or small area details, I often do several different things before I bake. I have also done some flesh layers followed by a wash without baking in between. Once I did too many layers before I baked though, and the result was unpleasantly chalky like when your paint is too thick.


I bake each layer until mottling and blushing. I do many, many thin layers of blushing and mottling, and I let it dry completely before doing another layer. I will do 2-4 layers of blush before baking.
I have never had any problems…


This makes COMPLETE sense to me, lol! I’m sure you could teach me. Thank you! :smiley:

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Well, gosh, thanks! I always hesitate to say anything for fear of sounding like a ninny ~ LOL


No fear!! :smile:

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Yes, I understand. I’ve been worried about all the time lost on baking!! :wink:

RIGHT! LOL ~ those mottling layers get me every time!

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Me too!!! I have mine in the garage with the door open for air, and my neighbors think I’m crazy!:astonished::laughing:

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Hahaha, me too!! I didn’t want to say anything. So funny!!

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Nice! Has anyone ever said anything?

I bake after each layer. Mottling layers I sometimes do. Depends on the look I’m trying to achieve. I started working on two babies at a time. That way one can be baking/cooling while I’m painting the other one.

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I bake after each flesh layer, Molting/Blushing I do between 3 and 4 before baking.

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Thanks! Glad everyone is confirming what I had in mind! It will save me a loooot of time!

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I do as I don’t want the colors to bleed together.

I bake between every flesh layer and layer several mottle and detail layers before baking like many of the ladies here…I will mention that if you are using purple and greens, don’t do them in the same layers (I always cook before layering one on top of the other if you are going to be doing any blending) or you will end up with a brown mess instead .


I use a brush to do washes and then pounce with a plucked out sponge. Lots of my layers are applied with the same type plucked sponge, so I usually do a color wash and, once that’s dry, I’ll usually sponge on another shading layer before baking. I know I make more work for myself by using really thin layers, but I like the way they build up and develop the skin tones so I just about have to do more than one layer at a time. We all have our own favorite ways of getting our babies to look real!

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