Do y'all realize

That it is basically only 3 months until ROSE!?!?! WOWzers!!! Time is flying and it will be here before we know it. I am super excited!!!


Now if only I could save up spending money! Naughty me! lol

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I know!!! I have everything paid for except the last $100 on the rooting class. I have a grand in savings for the trip but would like to scrape up about $500 more. Just to feel safe LOL


I wish you could too!

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Wish I had the money to go this year!..sigh…maybe next year! :wink:

When do they announce where it will be next year. I would love to go just had 2 trips planned already.

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They are still planning for Utah next year, but there is a possibility they will head out East after that.

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I won’t be there but, I hope you guys share amazing pictures you take while there. :smiley:

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Like Marissa said they plan to have it at the same location for 2017 also