Do these eyes look right? Can't tell

I’ve positioned them many times, but am not sure. Thoughts? (Can’t change them to oval- this is a strip and redo, so I’m stuck with these)


I actually think the left is centered and perfect but the right is centered but the iris is a little lower. I think if you just tap and push it up just a bit it’ll be perfect.


Thank you, @specialmoments. And you would be the right one to answer this question after painting 527 Saskias. :joy:

Is this better?


Yes!! I think it’s hard to set her eyes or tell if they are positioned well because one of them is SLIGHTLY opened/larger more than the other.


It really is hard to tell. Hopefully hard to tell for her mommy too. :joy:

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I work for an ophthalmologist and the best way to tell if eyes are aligned properly is to shine a light on the eyes. The light should be in the same spot on the pupil of both eyes.


Gosh I hated putting mine in and I havent even glued them yet… still needs lashes. LOL

But my 22mm brown eyes don’t fit in the hole… lol


I use your advice all the time now. It works…Thanks much.


I read that the oval eyes fit better, @jlesser. The round, flat back ones don’t fit right at all. I couldn’t ever get that right one in good enough, so if you look closely you can see the the space between her lid and eyeball… which also means you can see the back of her rooted lashes. :frowning:

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I am using bluish 20mm now… lol. Think I may finish her eyebrows and lashes today while the kidlets are at school :slight_smile:

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It’s tough with Saskia as one of hers eyes is wider than the other. You just have to do it as well as possible. I think it looks pretty good.

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