Do I ever root any more?

For those who wonder if I ever root any more once in a while I do. I am working on the hair for Aurora Sky for the IDTS show. This photo was taken by my on my Kindle as I am sitting in my recliner. Notice Reggoe the dog will not leave my lap. It is cool temps here today and he is wanting to snuggle. I had to lay a blanket over my legs for him because he kept trying to get on my rooting pillow with the doll head!


So cute!!! I love your pup! My Maltese is always on my lap too… And she has taken over my rooting pillow as her new dog bed. Now she won’t use her other one. And I need a new rooting pillow!


I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been painting and looked over to see my goofy do curled up in the baby seat with Bella. Both seem happy enough😉


Looking great, Angie!

My kitten likes the bottom shelf of the bassinet. When he goes missing, I always find him there. :smirk:


…that’s “dog”, not “do”. FAT THUMBS!!!

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