Do any of you sew for your babies?

I used to love to sew, and I’m thinking of sewing for my new Josephs when they get here. I sewed a whole layette for a Corolle doll that’s the size of a 3 month old baby. Anybody have any pattern ideas that they’d like to share?


Many years ago I made porcelain dolls and I sewed ALL their clothes. I also made most of my daughters clothes from birth through her school years. Now-----I usually sew only to repair a seam etc. I like to sew just don’t do it much anymore. I miss it at times though.


I see all the clothes for the babies I reborn.

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I want to and have dabbled a little by hand, i made a onesie shirt out of an old pair of pj pants. Although it didn’t go so great, I bought some fabric and made a pair of footed pjs. They’re bit better l guess. I plan on doing more and getting better.


I used to do more sewing than I do now. I’m more likely to knit or crochet for my reborns, especially the micro minis. Those are hard to sew because they’re so tiny.


I haven’t sewed in over 25 years. I brought a new sewing machine 2 years ago on Black Friday. It’s still in the box in the closet. I have no where to set up shop. Let alone the time to sew.

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I sew, but for babies I usually only sew for the small ones that you can’t buy baby clothes for.


I bought a pattern and made a newborn outfit from simplicity or something it was big enough to fit a six month old!

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I so so wish I could sew :heart_eyes:
I want to learn to make bummies and joggers :heart_eyes:

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Well, I have sewed a lot over the years for my live babies, grands, etc. Personally, I like to find a rather simple pattern, with a bodice and maybe long and short sleeves. I can take that and make most any kind of frilly dress from it. If you can do that, I know you will save a ton on patterns. :slight_smile: I hope you do find what you need. I like to sew as well, and I know how wonderful it feels to make something so special for your baby.

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I would like to, but I don’t have any good patterns. Maybe I should buy some.

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There are tons of free patterns on Pinterest


Frustrating! They expect children to grow or something? I thought that having dolls that wear real sized clothes would make it easier to shop, it really doesn’t. So much out there is too big.


I crochet and I do it by eye, no pattern.

I have a sewing machine but don’t know how to use it.

Can sew by hand without a pattern, but too much work.

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I wish I had the skill! I would like to take the time in the future to learn. I love handmade baby items.


I’ve been sewing lately. :scream:


Get a pattern for 22 inch doll it will fit perfectly

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I want to make Joseph a little red, white, and blue checked sun suit. I have a pattern for it, I just have to enlarge it. Sewing is so much harder now that I’ve moved and don’t have a craft area anymore.