Did you see this video?


Just watched and thanks for sharing😀 She’s soooooo good! And actually…MASH on Netflix is a great idea for background noise! I forgot about that show👍🏻

Love it and that first baby she said she has had 3 days do you know the sculpt??

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I watch snapped and forensic files! :heart:


Thanks that is the second baby I have like by Marita Winters this week maybe I need to go check her sculpts out lol.

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I don’t know Snapped but I do like Forensic Files! Binge watched New Girl for awhile. Guilty pleasure is Grimm and Major Crimes/The Closer😄

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Oh! I’ll netflivks those! What’s new girl about? I love true crime. :grinning:

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New Girl is mindless “girl shares house with guys” nonsense but I like Zooey Deshanel (spelling?). Good crime shows are like a great puzzle👍🏻

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I watch movies on TCM, ghost adventures crew, & Vikings while I work. I can not work through The Walking Dead :dart: