Did BB get rid of spencer?

Im prety sure thats his name, i thought he was so cute… i was just looking thru my own photos and saw him.
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- … 0254_o.jpg
Thats spencer by Wendy Dickison?? i think thats who it was. LOL I know i got him from BB!!!
I may have missed something that told us they were discontiuing him. Sorry for asking again if they did i only just noticed it!

Just saw him on ebay. Auction ends tomorrow.

I dont know, he just came out not long ago… yours is so sweet

Spencer is still in the Gallery…according to their out-of-stock update he should be available Late June.

haha yes he is, i was looking every where for him and i couldnt see him!!! Im still getting confused when they moved everything into kit sizes!!! Although i do like that they had!!! LOL Thanks heaps for pointing me to him!!!