Depleted my Paypal!

Ask him to look, my tracking label was printed the same night I paid:-) That’s weird that Diane didn’t get hers because Bobbi obviously had some!!! I tried to order the ultra newborn eyes from her a while back, from her website. She replied almost a month after… I was glad I didn’t pay… Because I think they might have taken her that long to send. Let us know if you recieved a tracking email, and I will let you know if I receive my oackage❤️💋

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I found out recently that sellers can generate the tracking number from home… and yet not have shipped the item yet.
.I didnt know they could do that. and they shouldnt as it should be IN the PO as far as im concerned when it gets the number so you KNOW its on its way

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I guess I’ll just wait and pray that all goes well. This kit is so special to me. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t get a chance to get another one.


I don’t think you should worry!!! :heart:️:grinning:


But I’m so good at it, LOL. Worrying is what I do best!


@nikkiroc, I think that because mine was a preorder, that she didn’t pay for the kits right away and didn’t get them till later when she had enough money to pay for them, which seems to be what she has done in the past. Whatever the reason, it is still dishonest to not make good on the transaction and then not pay back the preorder fee.


Oh Helen! I hope you get her.

I have the Cassia kit and can’t wait to paint her. I just want to wait until I feel like I am at a better level before I paint those expensive kits lol. My Asher is coming out ok… So we shall see lol


There is something about Cassia that feels so real. She looks right at you with those sweet, intelligent eyes.


I totally agree Diane!!!


@honojane She just auctioned off another cassia…

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The auction just ended.

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It is definitely not right to keep your pre-order fee. Small World Wonders (Kaitlyn) tried to do that to me, but my credit card company would not allow her to keep it-so I got all my money back. I feel lucky though and will now only do business with a few dealers. If they do not have the kits I want, I will just not get the kit.


I know, I saw that, but she said mine was the last one she had. Maybe she was reserving one for tonights auction? By the way Nikki. I finally figured out how her facebook auctions work. I’m slow, but I’m not “stop”.LOl


Yeah!!! You did it!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:


Is she doing any more auctions?

I am not sure… But she is really moving stock this way!!!

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Hang in there Helen. I’m praying you get your baby. If you don’t…we have a hit group ready at any time to hit the road. Don’t no body mess with our sweet @honojane and get away with it. :innocent::heart:


Is Cassia the one you made Bella Shalom? I really loved that baby, I almost bought her but then she was sold before I decided if I had enough dolly dollars to get her.I’m gladyou are making another one for yourself, I don’t know how you parted with her.

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I’m glad I’ve all you toughies in my court!

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Yup! That was the one. I don’t know what that sculpt has, but it is wonderful!