Denise pratt video

I ordered the reborning with Denise Pratt video.And i have to say it was a delight.She was very calm and handled the dolls like a pro.The video is short and informative.I would recommend buying this video to new reborn artist.


Or you can watch it for free on YouTube…

Here’s the playlist:


I ordered it already…Thank you so much

Oh, sorry! Can you return it? Or sell it? I never opened my video so I was going to sell it, but I keep forgetting. Haha

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That’s Jack Johnson she’s with and he’s really nice!! I took a sculpting seminar from him in Las Vegas a number of years ago and it was suppose to be in a class but nobody showed up except me!! So I had a 3 day “Private Lesson” from him, it was cool. He is a famous “character sculptor” He had a condo there which was Fabulous, 37th floor with almost a 360 degree view, WOW!!! You could see FOREVER!!!



It came with my beginners kit. I was told to pitch it. But I had l watched the video at least once. I also watched it on YouTube before I started reborning.


Y pitch it

How cool is that! A free lesson with Jack Johnson. I met him years ago at a doll show.


I loved that video.

The reason y I loved her video so much.Is because she sits aND work on the doll and make it look simple

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I think Denise’s video is great for beginners! I used that video to make my first couple of dolls. The only thing I would do differently is to either add a touch of blue to the warm blush or just use more of a red tone like Pyrrole Red 02.


Amy love your pictures from the doll show


I had asked a question on here about flesh tone layers, cause she only did one. I was told to ditch the DVDs n do what I felt. Come up with my own technique.

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True…but I like it because it’s original…I learn from my mistakes anyway.How you doing with your new doll?


I just completed one n started painting Easton. Hopefully she turns out right. I’m trying ethnic again. Fingers crossed. I posted the finished one the other day.

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Yes it is a very nice video and was very helpful to me when I began


I had a mother buy a doll from me for her 14 year old daughter who was expressing an interest in reborning. As a surprise I included the video as a gift. It’s great for starters and VERY informative.


@Msmimi04 you were told wrong.


There are lots of useful videos out there. Nicki from Stillmoments Nursery has some great videos and she’s fun to listen to. They Never Grow Up Nursery has some to…but…when I asked 2 different VERY well known professional artist what I should do to learn more, I was told by both on separate occasions to watch Denise Pratts video. They were right.