Delilah invoice

Has anyone received an invoice for Delilah from MacPherson’s yet?

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No not yet.

Thank you, I just wanted to know if I had somehow missed mine or something.

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I think she is supposed to be released in April.

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I saw that Nikki Johnston mentioned another delay from the factory.

You are able to pay balances before they are due by going to your orders, and having them email it to you.
I will link the post where we posted about it

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Thank you Jenni, she was originally suppose to be out in Feb. No worries though, get to keep my money for a little while longer.


Not yet


I got the invoice for Delilah this past Wednesday, it said anticipated ship date was end of March!

I have. She’s expected to ship by the end of March.

Last time I checked it said shipping on March 22

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@lynn I just got my invoice

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Geez, maybe I should go check my email. Jenni, did you order from Mac’s?


Yes :slight_smile:

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Thanks, then I’ll bet mine is here too.

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Well what the ■■■■ I still don’t have an invoice


Check your spam. I’m about to check mine. For some reason. My mail from macphersons go to my junk mail.


Nope not there! Oh well when I have money I’ll just go to Macs and request to pay it off


I haven’t received anything too. I am not worry it will come.

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No invoice for me either, but I am sure it will come soon enough.

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