Delicate situation

So a while ago I bought an asleep Felicity kit with COA. Her head deep gouges and messed up so I contacted BB and they replaced her with a new kit. Six months ago I bought an awake Felicity head from a forum member, hoping to pair them up. However they cannot find their COA but they have their invoice proving it’s a first kit. They contacted BB about a replacement but haven’t had back from them. Has anyone ever had this situation and gotten a replacement? I’m concerned I will have to discount her heavily without the COA.


I wouldn’t discount it much without a COA. Some kits don’t even have them and a lot of people don’t care about them. I think if you clearly state that you bought it from an individual and don’t have a COA it should be fine.


I know it’s the real deal, but a lot of customers are just so concerned over the fake kits and don’t always understand… I’d just feel better with the COA and then no one has to worry about it.

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I understand, and I think you could discount it a little, but not hugely, because you’ll still have put in all the necessary hours to make the doll.

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I don’t think people are nearly as concerned about BB COAs as they are other brand kits. BB is the only one who sells 2nds so people know they often do not have a COA and many times don’t even ask for one on a first. I have forgotten to send out the Realborn COA a couple times over the years and never realized it til much later because the customer never asked for it either.


I have customers who know BB sells firsts and seconds, and some who know the current issues with some of those kits, and i would rather not lose money or a sale on a kit due to not having the COA.

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I get that but do you really think you would lose money over not having the COA? IMO a well reborn kit will sell well regardless of if it is a 2nd or not or a first without the COA. You can take photos of the neck flange and numbers on it to prove it is legit. I say this in relation to BB kits not others…


That only proves it’s a BB kit… I would just prefer to have the COA as it is authentic.

I have sold well over 100 dolls and have only had one person care about a BB COA. I actually have a box full of COAs because I forget to send them. :sweat_smile: LE sculpted kits, it’s common for people to care. These, no. Honestly I wouldn’t discount at all and would just write in the listing that I misplaced the COA, but assure them that the kit is authentic. If they don’t like that, go find something else.


I have a couple of customers that would care :wink:
And I would just feel better having it.

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No one has ever cared about the BB coa in my newrly 20 years reborning. But maybe BB can send you one.


Well, hopefully you can get one. I understand you would prefer it. I would as well but I would not let that deter me from selling the finished baby for the full price of my normal reborn work. Maybe the person selling you the kit should knock off $10 for not having the COA but in the grand scheme of things the finished baby is worth what your work is worth regardless of what comes with the kit.


I’ve sold before without COA, and it wasn’t an issue… But now? People throw that word scammer around in groups left and right, and I just don’t want any accusations as a lot of newer buyers don’t really understand all there is to know about them. They demand that certificate, and if you can’t produce it, well, you must be a scammer.
As for the seller, I never asked if they had one at the time. Initially I had planned to use her head for a cuddle baby, but then I remembered I had the other limbs in the closet, and selling her whole kit, I would really like to have the COA.

Did you buy the full Felicity awake kit or just the head? I know if it was just the head BB does not send COAs with heads, only full firsts kits. If you were going to make them cuddle babies I don’t think cuddle babies usually come with a COA, unless an artist bought the whole kit not just a head and happened to send the COA.

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The other person bought the whole awake kit as a first, but can’t find the COA. I bought the whole asleep kit with COA. However, combined, I don’t have a coa.

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Oh sorry, I misinterpreted what your wrote, I thought you meant the awake head only :slight_smile:

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No it’s fine… Its a bit confusing Lol!

I just checked to see if I had one to send you, but I only have an asleep :frowning:

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I appreciate it! I have 2 asleep , but no awake.

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