Deep Discounts are BACK!

Whoooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo and yea haw!


Hooray, just grabbed an order, as if I needed anything else right now. I better beat the UPS truck home soon, lol

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Summer rain was listed last night. Poof, now she gone.

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They change so fast. I am glad to get Claire at a steal. I have been waiting for a mini baby to go on sale for my Tibby and Taylor. I am still rooting Tibby and what a job it is and I can’t imagine Taylor; her head is even bigger. Too bad the cheap bodies for Clair is sold out. Msmimi04 I will keep a look out for Summer rain for you

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Thankyou, but I don’t need her. I have 2 of her. I’m. Pretty sure it’s other members that may want her. Yes, you have to be on it. I’m glad I ordered a kit when I did. When I looked again hours later, it was off sale.

She is lovely but I am partial to open eyes so far. I wish she came in an open eye kit, hint , hint BB


I’m so happy as I order from Germany but I am sad that Summer rain has already finished as I didn’t have chance to grab her …

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I was like that at first. Now no preference.