Darren Donnelly - UPDATE PHOTO 11/28/15

I’ve been working on this kit for the past 3 days. It was a rather orangy tan color before painting. I tried to neutralize it with a blue-green and then a lavender wash. It cut back some of the orange, but now that I’ve been adding some flesh color and mottling, it wants to take on a pale sallow color. I’m not sure how to warm her up at this point. I’ve tried flesh 07 with a touch of yellow ochre and a light yellow ochre mottle. Then I’ve used several red tone mottles and a purple red mottle. I’ve added some blushing but that seems to keep absorbing into the vinyl and fading. Any suggestion on how to warm with baby up and give her whatever color she needs would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I don’t like her lip color. Any suggestions on what color would look good on her and how to mix it? They look a tad darker in the photos than they are in real life.


A light burnt umber wash helps warm up sallow complexions. The lip color might look different when you warm him up. What color are you currently using for lips? They look nice in the picture!


Yup, burnt umber wash will take care of it. One or two thin coats should warm him up. Do more for a darker baby.


I would recomment burnt umber with just a “tinch” of ochre. On the lips, try a thin wash of something on the magenta side to pink them up a bit and then go from there. I just keep balancing them with washes until I get a good base color. Then the shading takes them to where I want them. Lip color varies from person to person, so try to match the color you think goes best with the complexion of your baby. I tend to like mine pale and even a bit blue-ish for newborns. Older babies I give a bit more color.


I agree with Helen about the burnt umber/ocher wash. I like the lip color you already have, and wouldn’t do much to them.


Go with the BU wash for warmth and Helen gave you some good advice for the lips, I think they look fine. Maybe when you warm her up you will like the lips better.

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Thank you, ladies! :smiley:

I will do a BU and YO wash. She is kind of pale yellow and want her with a more gold flesh tone that will go with the blushing I’d like to give her.

As for her lips, the color they are in the photo is closer to the color I’m wanting but the camera did not quite capture what they look like in real life. In real like they are a little more fluorescent looking. Not a lot but enough that they don’t quite look right. It’s like there is a touch of orange in the paint I used although there wasn’t. I started them with the Secrist Strawberry lip, and I’m not real crazy about that. It’s too matte for lips, to me anyway. So, I tried to fix them lightly with some of the mottle paint I was using on her and that just didn’t help. Ended up with what they are. I want a light rosy color, kind of like Nicole Russell used on her Darren, below:

Lips are often difficult for me to get the colors right if I’m not following a tutorial. And I’m trying this kit solo. So, it will be a huge learning curve.

Thank you for any help you can offer with the lips! :smiley:


You could try mixing up a lip color that has red toned down with a tiny, very tiny, bit of blue to counter the orange. You can also add a just touch of burnt umber to the lip color when your mixing it to darken the red away from the pinker tones. Use light translucent layers.

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Thanks, Semantics!

I’m thinking before I do any of that, I should try to tone back the color already there. Would applying a few very thin flesh 08 layers help with that?

It might help, but keep it thin to avoid chalkiness. Alternately, you could try a thin blue wash some Genesis thinning medium or the glazing gel, or a regular thinner if you don’t have these. But, blue is super pigmented, use just a tiny amount and go thin. Or add a tiny speck of blue to thinned out flesh and use that as more of a wash on the lips. You want to go for subtle changes especially with lips.

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Thank you, I will try that and update with pics.

Update photos for Darren Donnelly:

She looks just a tad warmer in the photo than in real life. I want a little more golden tone to her. Should I do a very light wash of flesh 08 with a touch of yellow ochre?


She looks really good! If you’d like more golden tone you can do that, or a light ochre wash alternately. Nice work!


Thank you. I tried your suggestions and they made a big difference. :slight_smile:

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Hooray! More pictures when you get the chance!


She’s almost done and will do her hair next. The photo shows her pink tones a little pinker than she is in real life. She’s not the prettiest sculpt. Is probably meant to be a boy but since girls seem to sell better I figured I’d try to make her a girl. I’ve ordered a very pretty dress for her that has not yet arrived.


Aw I think she came out lovely! I fall more and more in love with your work every day!

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I think her coloring is coming out very well! A lot of irritation for you I’m sure, but, well worth it by the looks :slight_smile:

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Wow! She’s looking great! Love the skin tones. :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, ladies! :smile:

She had such dark orangey vinyl. I think I can still see it come through a little bit, even after 20 layers of paint.

Does anyone have any advice on how to “kill” the look of orange vinyl? I even started out with blue and green washes.

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