Darn it! I messed up Liveah

I had to pull her off of Reborns.com today to try and correct a stupid mistake. I had set her in the bassinet and left her while I went to town. The sun came out (an unusual occurance here) just at the right time to hit the basinette. I usually keep it pushed in a corner away from the sun but I had pushed the basinette out of my way to get some shipping supplies. By the time I got home it was late and the sun was down well below the treeline. I just watched some “Chopped” and went to bed. In the morning when I got up I saw that Liveah’s head had fallen off. I found that wierd but just set it aside to fix later. I figured I must have done it when I moved the bassinette. I put the bassinette away and went about my business. Today I went to fix the head. First I noticed that one of her eyelashes had come loose at the corner. Then I saw the white powdery mess that had come up around her ears and the back of her neck. There was more under her chin. Oh my gosh was I upset. Then I noticed that an area of my Prisma pencil was slightly scratched from the head falling off. I couldn’t see how that would happen either as it was sealed and the head fell onto a blanket.Suddenly the light came on in my head. She had been sitting in the sun. That softened the vinyl so the head could come off. So I re-baked the head…didn’t work. I’m going to try once more. The Prisma hair is going to require a fix too and more baking. I don’t know if she’ll survive all this, but I have to try. I’m still kind of upset with my self. My craftroom has the best light in the room, but that is both a gift and a curse. Wish me luck. I’m going to take a break now so I can recover from the shock of discovering that this was my own darn fault.


How horrible!! Yes, I know what you mean about the “my fault” thing. I’ve done a touch up or “just one more thing” and realized I should’ve left it alone…now to fix what I messed up. Grrr!!! I hope the fix will be easier than you think. :kissing_heart:


Awwww…hoping you can get her fixed easily…sometimes the varnish sealer doesn’t bake
thouroughly…I’ve gone back days later to see it has turned powdery on my…then I just grab
my heat gun and try to spot bake it!!! :+(


Wow! What a horrible series of events. I hope that you can get her fixed up.

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I thought she was “h-evil” when I found her with her head off!


The heat gun is a great idea for fixing her Prisma so I don’t have to bake the whole head two more times. Thanks. There’s only a little powderyness left now. I think this last bake should fix it. I worked on the hair, but still may have to sell her as a boo-boo. I hate to do that with toddies as they are so expensive to ship…


She’s looking pretty good after another bake. I think a little more Prisma and a heat gun, and she make be okay after all! But that’s a job for another day. I’m just leaving her unlisted and working on something else for a while! Thanks for the encouragement, friiends.


Oh no Helen! I love this one so much!!!

Oh, that’s awful. I’m so sorry, Helen ((hugs))

Let’s hope she behaves herself and allows you to fix her up xx

It’s not the glue…just the varnish. It’s all fixed now. Whew! I know better than to leave a doll where the sun can get her. I won’t do it again. I’ve moved all the dolls into a darker area without windows. The only glue I need to worry about is the lashes and I will have to redo them another day.


I can’t wait to see her together again! I bet she is better than ever! :heart:




Oh no! What a nightmare! Poor Liveah…poor you! Keeping my fingers crossed that you’re able to fix her… :scream:

What varnish is that?

Genesis Satin…

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you have the rooting light that fits in the head, right? The one from Germany? My husband is trying to make me one. Could you tell me how many inches the whole thing is from where the cord meets the fixture to the tip of the lightbulb?

@otterbaby2 Same question for you. I know you just got one.


What a horrible thing to discover! I am glad you have figured out what happened so it won’t happen again. Best of luck getting things straightened out. If anyone can do it, you can!

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She’s all fixed, but I still need to touch up her hair, redo her eyelashes, and put her head back on. So she’s still not listed at the moment. Maybe she needed a break, LOL. She’s been listed for 40 plus days. She’s a hard sell…a toddie with Prisma hair. She was made to go under my Christmas tree and had a big, horrible, wig. But she took up to much room, so I removed the wig and did Prisma. Now she kind of looks like a chemo baby. Poor little thing. But she’s cute.

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How would a chemo baby sell? There must be someone out there undergoing treatment who would be comforted by such a child.

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Actually, I had a lady contact me about that, but she wanted to make payments and I don’t do that. I considered it for a while because I thought how nice it would be for some kid. Part of me just wanted to give it to her… but I didn’t know the lady or if she was for real. There are so many scammers out there looking for a soft touch. But in the end I followed my rule which was stick to your policies. I do have some remorse, or maybe guilt, about not following through on her sale.