Damage doll

I have a sleeping Landon that got damaged while drilling nose. I tried vinyl putty . Will not take paint. Is there a place to buy reborn doll parts. Thank you

If you watch on BB they sometimes have just heads for sale.

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Thank you for replying. I may not drill out a nose again. So sick o damaging this reborn doll

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IMO a shaded nose looks better. I have rarely looked into a baby’s nose and seen purple, red, brown, or black felt.


I started reborning again after nearly 20 years of not reborning. Learning a lot of new ways will not drill a nose again thank you for replying. This is number 4 Landon .


Back when I used to do reborn Berenguers, drilling the nose was the thing to do. And it worked. Something about those noses was different. Maybe they were deeper? When I started back last year, I tried drilling the nose on a test head. It didn’t work. It was too obvious. Now there are so many different nostril sizes and depths, I don’t know how anyone could master drilling them. I notice some Russian artists do. And they make them look nice. But I think most people just stick to shading.


Thank you for responding. I will shade from now on.


I always drill the nose out. I just like the look of it and I have learned to be very careful about it.


how bad is it, you may be able to use sculpty.

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Thank you Gabriell. I will try the sculpt, the vinyl putty I used will not take the paint.