Cut right through the vinyl!

I just got back to it, a whole darn day in my studio (the mouse is finally back to school). I am working on 8 babies, I started them a while back.

My Rylie looked like he needed to have some pretty brown skin, he went patchy, not even,
think- I-can -save- it patchy, just muddy. I thought I saved his head and ordered a cuddle body from BB, cheese those bodies are expensive!

Then I got to hair painting and he just got… patchier when I baked. So I may need to strip him at a much later date.

Then I was sealing up Tink, thought I would try some pretty blue eyes, I was watching/listening to Project Runway (don’t tell anyone but I love that show) and dog if I didn’t slice right through the bottom of her lower eye. GRRRRR!!!

She is such a pretty baby and her hair was on point!

I was able to get it glued but it doesn’t matter you can tell she is a boo-boo. I could cry.

I have been doing this long enough not to make that kinda mistake.

I don’t sell Boo-boo babies but she is too adorable a sculpt to trash.

Maybe I can turn her into a pirate.

If I made scary babies I would give her a blind eye and some stitches but I can’t bring myself to do it, it makes me too sad.

Newbies, be really careful if you cut and insert eyes from the inside, one slip and all that work gone.


Ugh so sorry about that! Maybe you could try some of the vinyl putty to see it you can fix it?

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Awww man…that stinks…I hope you can salvage her…:crossed_fingers:t2:

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Ugh, I’ve had those days- I’m so sorry about the eye and patchy paint! If it’s any consolation your elf is absolutely perfect :heart:

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If any one can figure out how to fix them, it’s you. :heart: I am sure you will come up with something amazing.

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Ohhhh noooooo.

I feel that.

Noooo…uuuuggghhh!!! :confounded: I did that once and ever since, I open the eyes before I start painting. Warm the head first, the exacto goes through like butter.


Thanks for letting me vent ladies. I went ahead and just opened her eyes really wide and I am turning her into a circus baby with really big eyes, not sure it is going to work but trying to make it fun. I hate wasting a 100.oo sculpt.

Thank you again


I bet she’s going to be the cutest clown! Like Bob Ross said happy little accidents :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
so sorry you’re having a rough time of it though :heart:


I’ve been at this a long time, and I learned 2 things. We all make beginner mistakes and
we are our worst critics. :smirk: I like to call my screw ups “happy accidents” like Bob Ross.
I bet you’ll love the end result. :smiley: ( I watch project runway too lol)

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