Customer adds her dolls picture

What do you do about a good loyal kind customer and friend that shows your doll youve made for her online when you put ads up but her dolls hair is near bald in spots from constant brushing and skin shiny from using products on him Shes trying to be kind and helpful but its not .
I really dont think anyone would spend as much time holding caring for their doll as she does 24/7 and its wonderful…thats a comment in itself on how she loves it but
i cant get on there and explain that and ive done some pro bono work on it already which gets expensive .Any ideas?

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Did you send the doll with care instructions?

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Oh yes more than once care instructions we also had many discussions about what to do not to do. The doll goes everywhere with her a constant companionI really dont think shes treating it roughly its just the constant handling hair brushing daily ( we discussed that too) She trys i think to do less or says she does Its her like real live baby… which is fine shes happy thats good Im happy for her. Its just the comments are great but photos she puts up…wish it was the photo when she recieved it or a week or month down the line not years.

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I have one that posts poor quality photos but it’s obvious that the photos are the problem. I have no suggestion for you. Makes you happy to know she loves her baby but makes you wish she didn’t love it so often. :scream:

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Yes not so often

Awe, she needs a new baby!

She has 5.

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Do you mean you sell dolls on Facebook, and she puts pics of her dolls into that post? Maybe say to her that you would prefer if she did not do it, because people my get confused you only want your photos there?

Good idea thanks!