Custom embroidery Pillow

Can anyone recommend a shop or individual who makes custom embroidered pillows? I’d love a small white one with Lacey border, with my nursery name on it.
I have now seen people not only stealing my photos but adding their watermarks to them.
So I would like to add a pillow when I take photos of my dolls because does not allow watermarks.
Please let me know if you have a recommendation.
Thank you
Kathryn :slight_smile:


I only share my non watermarked photos on reborns. com everywhere else is watermarked.
Dave has stated not to put things with the nursery name on them in photos either. So don’t buy it just for that


Oh, great… bummer
Well thank you for the information, it would have been a waste of time and money in that case.


He must be stalking me because I see others with watermarks/signs and they stay. My listings are removed and I get an email. :crazy_face:


Same here


I don’t understand why he objects to that. It doesn’t make the site look unprofessional, at least IMO.


Wish I could have a pillow with my nursery name on it though!! And watermarks read professionalism in my opinion. It would make the site look better if you ask me. But then again it is not my website so what can I do… easier for the thieves to take my photos I suppose


I’ve never had my pictures stolen that I know of, but I’m not you. lol It still would be nice. Doesn’t bear pile have the watermarks?

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Yes I see one on the front page top middle
Fairy something water mark on it
So they must be allowed there.
I really would like to watermark
It hurts me when people claim my work as their own


I am learning to use my Embroidery Machine. I could make a pillow when I get good enough. Right now I am still trying to perfect the hooping so it doesn’t pull and make unsightly creases. I would love to see a pillow like that. :slight_smile:


Oh that would be wonderful! Please let me know when you may be able to do that for me! Thank you!

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Sounds like maybe he is in league with or one of the scammers. There is no reason not to allow a watermark or nursery name. If he lost business because of this he would change.

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What on earth is it with Dave and watermarks?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :roll_eyes:

And while I’m on this question, I’m going say that I agree that his site looks really outdated. Looks like a cheap site from the 90s.


I really don’t see how he or anyone could enforce the no branding within the photo absurdity. There are no guidelines for how we photograph our babies, and I don’t see how there could be a program or algorithm that detects branded items. What if we have the baby in a onesie with our nursery logo? Who’s to judge what’s a nursery logo and what’s just a cute onesie? Or pillow, banner, blanket, etc?

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The site looks exactly like the Bear Pile site-even has the same colors.


I said it before and I still believe it - he doesn’t allow watermarking because he wants credit for the marketing. He has to keep people’s attention focused on his site as the provider of these dolls and down-play each individual Nursery. You have to remember that, to him, our listings are the business and he needs his customers to stay dependent on him to keep his business going. He doesn’t make anything off of our sales and needs to keep a revenue stream. I don’t like it either, but it is his sight, so his rules. I know I wouldn’t want to do that advertising he does on my own.


Idk if your on FB, but if you are, Join the group
Small shops BST
There are a bunch of shops that make cute little pillows, signs etc

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Except it has baby heads all over the wallpaper :joy:

If he does not make anything then why is he charging people?

He makes money from the monthly membership fees. Unlike most other selling sites, he charges zero percentage of sales.

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