Curious about ROSE

I’m just curious about the ROSE show in 2022. If it turns out that the show will NOT be held at the Davis Conference Center (as it usually is) and the smaller “mini” show will be held instead-----will it deter anyone from attending? I am giving this serious consideration and come up with several disadvantages. 1.) we will have to take some sort of transportation to and from the show as we will not be in the attached hotel. 2.) I am assuming there will NOT be a discount at whichever hotel you should choose to stay in since the ‘doll show’ means nothing to them. 3.) The possibility of not being in a hotel with ‘friends’ from previous years who we enjoy spending time with.
For those of us who travel by air (which is most of us) the cost to attend the ROSE show is very costly when you take into consideration, air fare, hotel costs, shuttle services (coming and going), food, show and event tickets, car parking (home base airport parking where you left your car), not to mention all the money for spending at the show on ‘goodies’ we just have to have (that’s the fun part)!! It all adds up to a very costly “good time”, and I am wondering if it’s worth the cost to attend a ‘smaller, shorter’ show. If I was a millionaire I wouldn’t have to count pennies!! Any input?


I’m sure they considered all this when planning in order to keep social distancing and pandemic guidelines… of course things had opened up more since then so I think they might be shooting themselves in the foot. Some people may still not want to go because of the pandemic so they are probably expecting a smaller turnout because of the uncertainty they are doing what they can. There was no international travel when they announced that they were going to have it and I think that’s opened up some but who knows what could happen a few months from now… they could lose everything again if we are forced to shut down again.
I’m sure a lot of people will be disappointed with the new smaller show but it’s better than the no show two years in a row :wink:


If it’s not at Davis, I’ll have to wait until 2023. I need an electric cart to get around the show, and I can’t afford to rent a truck or lift it to transport it. As @lynn said, it’s very expensive and convenience matters.

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I was going to PM you Jean to see what you were thinking since I know your situation. I don’t think they will have near the turnout at a smaller show with the inconveniences that it involves. I think I will have to lose the money on my flight since it is only good until Dec. 2022 and I don’t think I’ll be going if it is to be the smaller show, it just costs way too much money for all of it. So I’ll probably have to be like you and wait till 2023 and it really bothers me cause it has already been 2 years that we haven’t been allowed to go. Very Sad.

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It’s not that the mini show wouldn’t be nice/good, but from the standpoint of “cost” I just don’t think it will be worth the money. Not all of us are wealthy and have to save really hard in order to make this trip, and I just want to have it be worthwhile. The thing that bothers me the most is not being in the hotel on site. I hope whatever they decide that it is a success for them. I love BB.

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