Cute babies
I know there is at least 1 person overseas still waiting on delivery, but can I get a show of hands from anyone else still waiting for their baby to be delivered so we can check on the tracking. Thank you.
From my count just that one and the one she sent is all that has not been delivered. I made a list of all babies and checked them off as they were posted.
Ok thank you, just double checking
Yay, two more, lol!
I just received my baby (from @DancesWithDolls) and I’m more than slightly blown away
So cute! Great job @DancesWithDolls!
Very cute!
Cute little one
Love it !! What kit is that ?
adorable baby
I think that is Clyde awake
look’s like clyde awake
Yes, it’s Clyde awake. He was a really fun baby to paint.
Thanks y’all ! I love his sweet little face
My baby arrived yesterday but I wasn’t able to get her from the post office until today. She’s adorable. Thank you @sharnieeeeee, in love her.
Pretty baby
Cutie Pie!
Is that the last baby now?