Cuddle baby giveaway 😁

Yes, you made it in time but Londyn was still the winner, Kimi was close though, she had 13 and Londyn had 15. You are in the drawing though…thats the important part :wink:


How generous and very cool! Londyn is a favorite. Post your pizza dough recipe.

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Its really easy…you just put 1 and 3/4ths cups warm water for whole wheat, or 1 and a 1/2 cups for white flour, in a big jar (mine are 3 liters) and then you add one tablespoon of yeast and a quarter to a half tablespoon of salt and mix that well then add the flour…3 cups for whole wheat and 3 and 1/4th for white flour and mix it really well, cover it and let it sit for at least 4 hours or more. Its pretty sticky but you just dump it out on a pan and move it around until its the shape you want…cook at 450 f for about 5 to 10 minutes (my husband says hes not sure how long…he just leaves one in until he finishes molding the other crust) and then put the toppings on and cook for another 10 minutes or so.


thank you, gonna try it this Friday, have a pizza night, we love to BBQ pizza on the grill.


That sounds really good :slight_smile:

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Made it, realized I didn’t have any mozzarella but I did have some chicken andouille sausage, so I wrapped those up in the dough and grilled it with a big piece of applewood. It was to die for. Thanks


Oh good, Im glad it worked out for you…that sounds really good. We’ve made little calzones with that dough as well. My kids love sausage so we should do that sometime, thanks for the idea :wink:

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Londyn won, its on my youtube channel but Id love for you to come over and subscribe and maybe you can be a part of my next giveaway :slight_smile: