Cuddle babies and cuddle monsters

I’ve decided (when I have the time…you know, school, work and all that) that I am going to be making a line of cuddle babies and cuddle monsters. I’m so excited! If you want to keep updated please click on the link. I’ll be doing a live video explaining in a few days =D


Congrats! It will be wonderful to see your creations!


Awesome! I’d love to see them!
Yesterday the doll I was working on looked pretty spooky herself. Like she was dead… Fixed her up and she looks okay now.
Reading this, I’m thinking maybe I should have just embraced it and made a zombie. :joy:


Thank you!! I’m truly excited about this!!

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Hahahaha well, maybe next time! I had a couple of babies awhile ago that were originally supposed to be human babies, and I just kept going with the coloring and turned them into monsters lol I’m excited to make some regular babies again, I really am. I’m also excited to make some cuddle monsters. I have Americus, that was originally supposed to be human, but then I got a wild hair and decided to give her some fangs. So, she will now be a vampling when she is finished lol


Haha, I definitely should make an alternative monster reborn sometime. Should be fun.

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Cool! Looking forward to seeing your work!

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better stock up for October, you will sell out then! Congrats on a great idea!

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I’m glad you are back to painting! I’ve missed seeing your creations!

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Girl, I know!! I’ve soooo missed painting!! School and work are whoopin’ my butt! I would be so happy if I could have just one day, to dedicate to painting. My school course will be over in May and I should have more free time to paint. Until then, I’m gonna try to paint a little bit here and there

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Thank you!! The real test will be, how many are interested in them once they are complete. I’m just gonna make a couple of monsters and a couple normal babies and put them up and see how they do, and take it from there!

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