Creative Marketing

After being reminded recently that it’s not good to rely too much on any one selling platform to promote my art, I decided think outside of the box a bit, so here is Journey on display at a local Sam’s Club to raise money for the children’s hospital. :blush:

If anyone has any other creative ideas, feel free to add here.


Neat idea. Did you have this display already?

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That is so neat!

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Thanks! Actually no. They had this display going already, but it was with a really ugly $5 Walmart doll. I got the idea to just see if I could display my baby instead… believe me when I tell you, this wasn’t exactly easy. Nothing ever can be simple with a corporation or this size, but the point is that it’s doable. If I wanted to increase exposure, I could even go a step further and try to meet with folks at the hospital… but am not in a position to be doing any of this right now because I can’t paint and am too busy otherwise.



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That is a really neat idea and that is so generous of you to donate.


Can you print up a fancier card and maybe have a holder for business cards?

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My business card is actually the brown card in the incubator next to the baby. This was all that was cleared through all of the corporate big wigs, and was a bit of a pain to get them to agree to. Whatever signage they have anywhere else is theirs and serves their own purposes.


It was nice of them to let you put your baby in there. I bet people probably thought it was a real baby. Hopefully they get a lot more donations.

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Are you PA? Noticed Penn State.

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