Crazy question

I am rather new and have a question for the general population. How do you guys make your dolls so “Colorful” as in Lots of Color on them. I see so many dolls who look so newborn with lots of reds on them and I know how it’s done, I guess I just don’t have the nerve to put on so much color. I Love the color (around ankles etc.) so were you all able to start out that way or have you built up to doing the more colorful babies as you go along? I can’t seem to get away from soft coloring. Any thoughts out there?

I started off doing just the red mottling. The first time I used more colors I was having second thoughts the whole time but I pushed through and the end result was beautiful. If in doubt just do the different color mottling lightly. You can always go back and make it darker. Most of the time I have so many layers of skin tones that the mottling gets toned down so it looks natural and under the skin like.


We add layers and layers and more layers…baking between each layer.


I know how you do it what I want to know is HOW DO YOU GET UP THE NERVE TO MAKE A DOLL WITH SO MUCH COLORING LIKE A NEWBORN??? Does that make sense to anyone? You know like the prototype for “Miracle” for example. Does it just take courage to paint like that?

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It does take a bit of bravery to step beyond your comfort zone and do something different. But that’s the only way to see if doing something different is a good thing for you or not. Jump in, and have fun! You never know what you can do if you don’t try new things!


For me personally I have too much nerve. I get bored easily and im constantly changing how I paint a baby, which is why there is so much variety in my work. So there can be an extreme on either end, afraid to go forward and constantly moving too forward.
Every baby I create is an experiment, and ive done over 200 babies now, but always think…hmm maybe if I change how I do this? or maybe how I do that? Keeps my mind going I guess lol


The first 3 that I did I ended up not happy with them at all. I thought that I completely ruined them. I didn’t think I wanted to try aging as I thought that I well had ruined 3 and they were so bad I knew that I couldn’t even give them away. I went back and watched many different videos. Then I found out that I could remove the paint off of my ruined ones. With knowing that, I wasn’t so afraid to try aging. Yes it takes many layers of paint. You just go layer by layer. Until you have the baby looking like you want it to. I like the little bit darker babies - the newborn look. Then there are some that just look better in lighter colors. I think it really helps knowing that if you are really unhappy with the look you can remove the paint. I just do the layers and really look at my work before I bake it. You might want to get a practice piece to work on. It could save you from a lot of frustration…


Play around with different shades…thin layers so you don’t ruin the baby. You see wich color you like and wich part and ad more. Before I been using the basic BB GHSP …I added yellow ochre and I do really like it. For blushing I am using 2-3 different paints from Pyroly red to strawberry . Planning to buy more and different paints. I see prototypes has various colours. I see the difference between first baby’s and what I am making now, I never go with same pattern …I just ad what I feel so.

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Thank You Ladies, You all inspire me to try now. I guess I seem to forget that stripping is an option. I will give it a go soon and see what happens. I appreciate all of the info that you supplied me with, gives me some nerve. Just jump in you say-------OK, will do. Thanks again.

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I never striped a baby… I mix my paints thin. I know it is a lot of job to do thin but it is easier to add more layers then to strip. For first times use kits on sale or not to expensive .when you are more confident and the result are better and better you can move to realborn a and limited edition kits.
Feel free to ask questions …the lady’s are really helpfull.
Enjoy the art of reborning !!!