Confused on flesh tones

I’m ready to start on my second reborn. I’m sitting here watching the Denise Pratt dvd that came with my beginners kit. I want this one to be better than the first one. After the baby skin, she does blush. But I want to do a different skin tones paint. Do I do it after the baby skin? All my skin tones should be done before I do the blush correct?

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Toss that dvd lol. Its just a base guide to follow. Paint how you feel it should be painted. Try this tutorial. It covers everything in detail. If you can mix colors you can match them up to hers in the tutorial. I made my first baby from her tut and it sold!


You can do it in any order you want and don’t be scared to use different colors for warming the kit. I started out doing the video for my first baby after that I do what flows from me and I do it in any order o want now


Yea…what Carrie and Lisa said.
before long you will be looking at your kit and just know what you want to do next.




Lol, I cut it off. I’m about to log into Facebook n watch the tutorial. Thanks!