Concerns regarding my eBay purchase (with pictures)

I am sorry that you don’t like the baby.I enlarged her pictures on my computer and could see her painting fairly well.It doesn’t look really bad.Re-paint those lips and you may like the baby more.

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I absolutely agree with everything Mary Jane said. The photos are not great in the listing, but you can see the paint when you enlarge it.


I use alternate limbs when I don’t like the ones that come with the kit but I do specify that in my listing. If it’s a limited edition kit I paint and include the originals. I believe these limbs are the ones that come with BB Heather and Gemma. Personally, I’d repaint the lips.


I painred a Greyson and had to put other arms and legs because all that was offered was his head. I love this sculpt. I saw this baby and thought he was really cute bit did not enlarge any photos. Most babies will not be perfect unless you buy from well known prototype artist and that is no guarantee. If you don’t feel it is as advertised I would suggest contacting the seller.

UPDATE: she says she bought the limbs a long time ago, and doesn’t know where they came from, but thinks they’re Reva Schick limbs.

I have never seen Chinese knock off limbs being sold separately. I have done some swapping of limbs, once accidentally; sold the baby and some time later I realized that I have left one kit with wrong limbs. ooops They were from the same sculptor and very similar… Anyway, from then on I always write on all my parts when the kit comes and I check it for defects.

I have also swapped some limbs when I felt the original ones are not right. Like for instance I hate Shyann’s arms, so I bought from BB arms that I felt were better size. Later on I used the Shyann arms when I melted arms for another kit.

In this case, I would not worry about the limbs, you cannot claim it is not as described as the listing said “mix&match”. But the lips are badly painted; looks like the paint is coming off the edges. I would not attempt to fix it, unless you really feel you want to take the head apart, take the eyes out, strip the lips and re-paint it.
The eyes do not look very good to me, but Lauscha is a little town, where everybody is a glass maker, not all are as awesome as the “Lauschaer Company”; there are others that are also very good, but couple make very dolly eyes, albeit hand made/mouth blown. Some people seem to think that glass eyes are called Lauscha, even when they come from China. .

This is not a well painted doll, but it is a very cheap doll, sold with little profit. The kit would have been $100+ (if all original - who knows how much the limbs cost), add body, stuffing and eyes, and take off the eBay/PP fees, and there is not all that much left.

I personally would ask for money back on the grounds that the photos in listing do not show the sloppy paintwork, and include the detail of the mouth you posted here. I wonder what was used to gloss these lips, and how would it come off without damaging the paint around.


I am so glad that you are dealing straight with this lady and hope that you are able to work something out with her.I understand completely why you are not happy with the baby.I hope that she is reasonable and is willing to work something out with you.I would worry more about the not so nice painting and not about the mixed limbs.I mean she did say mix match limbs.What she did not disclose is the fact that the paint on the doll leaves a lot to be desired.I know a lot of people view pictures on smaller devices and can not really see the details as well as someone like they can be on a huge computer monitor.That said,I am so sorry that you are unhappy with your baby,perhaps she will let you return it or refund part of the money and you can maybe have it re-reborned. Good Luck !


She had a couple of other dolls listed and from what I can see{on my phone} it looks like their mouths are painted in the same manner. So maybe this is just her style. I do think it’s a cute doll. I don’t see anything misrepresented but I understand how you feel. I had bought a couple of dolls and although there was nothing wrong with them, they really weren’t what I expected. So it was a let down for me. I hope everything works out for you.


I agree ,it looks like she has a hard time getting those lips down.Lips are not easy for me,I have to build them up in layers or they look awful.Meaning I paint lips all through my painting process.My glaze/varnish I put on lips is not as glossy as what she uses either.Looking at all of her feedback though,her customers have been absolutely thrilled with her babies and are paying much,much more for them than I would.

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This is a Gritz Reborns doll. I’ve seen her work, around on the Internet and a lot on eBay. I’ve never been impressed with the quality of her painting. Sometimes they look different and I’ve wondered if several different people paint the dolls she sells.

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The legs look like Sugar’s from Donna RuBert as well. I an selling her on Ebay and just finished checking her out to make sure she is in top rate condition. Take a look at them and let me know what you think.


After looking at this picture…I have to say that I would return the baby especially with the odd limb combination and the mouth. Did you see pictures before you purchased the baby?? Would you sell a baby that looks like this?? I hope you get this worked out.

I don’t think I’ll return him, because she did say that the limbs were alternate limbs… I’m going to try reselling him as a majorly flawed boo-boo baby (at a much lower price), saying he has some serious flaws upfront. I have a better camera than the original seller does, and access to natural light, so i’m taking new pictures that show the flaws much more clearly and I’m disclosing details about the lips to anyone interested in buying him. He’s a decent baby as long as it’s clear what his issues are.

Good for you! He really is a cutie when he is dressed…LOL It’s really the mouth that throws you off a bit. Is there any way that you can fix the lips a bit? that may help a lot with either deciding to keep him or sell him. I hope you make out well either way!!
Good Luck!


Maybe this could help with the lips a little bit?? This is from Hunnybuns nursery. It’s a combo lip and shine color. It’s not this red in person but more rosey . On the cheek right to left is 1 to 3 coats. Maybe this could go on top of the glossy mouth if you slap a few coats on (as I did :open_mouth:) and you can emphasize the extra glossy mouth- or at least make it more even.

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The baby’s legs are from the Lulu kit

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