
I have Liam by Bonnie Brown. I’m trying to put him in a NuWave and he won’t fit. What do you suggest I use.Do i just have to put the towels around the sides so his feet don’t touch because their to big? Will they be okay to touch the sides as long as the towels are their? I can put the smaller babies in their and they are fine. Just concerned because his feet touch.

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You can use your home oven. Put a towel on a cookie sheet.


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That’s not a good idea. Heating the vinyl secretes chemicals that can harm you if used in an unventilated area, and if you also cook food in that oven as well, it taints your food. So, I would not suggest that.


Try an extra ring

How many rings can you use on a NuWave oven? Liam’s legs won’t fit in the NuWave oven they are to big, they will touch the sides, will they melt if they do touch the sides with the towel?

Stack the rings high enough that you can lean the legs against it, but keep a towel between so you dont melt the legs. Dont let either the towel or leg get too close to the heating element.

I have a crochet “nuwave nest” that covers the bottom and up the sides of my ring. (It’s 100% cotton) I prop my limbs up against that. I have the silver ring and I would not let my kit touch it. Not sure if it would melt it or not, but I wouldn’t take the chance.

Very tricky

I have the Emmy toddler and trying to avoid using my home oven. I think I may just air paint dry her, someone says she fits but I don’t see how.

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Do you have the extended ring on the nuwave? That’s what I have on mine. I would not use your regular oven. I fit Emily in my nuwave And did one piece at a time with the towels. Make sure the vinyl does not touch the sides.

I have him now and one limb at a time . Or maybe one leg at a time and the two arms togheter then head again alone

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