Colors, mediums and varnishes you can't live without?

What favorite paints, colors, mediums, and varnishes could you just not live with out? Not just genesis but any brand, or product that you use for reborning that you feel is a must have.

Mint Green has been wonderful to done down reds! Also love Burnt Umber to warm the skin tone.


I have been hearing about satin varnish in place of matte. I have not bought any yet. What do yall think of satin varnish? I love the lip/nail/blush by bb and the mint green:-) lol@amy!


I was told the satin varnish is great to finish with. I have not used it, but I did buy a petite jar from dolls by Sandi, I didn’t realize just how “petite” it was until it arrived. It seems to me that satin varnish is a bit difficult to find, when I have found it, I have not loved the price especially when I am not sure I need it. I will try the petite one I have and decide from there I guess.


Let me know what you think!

White jelly roll pen for nail tips! Time saver!!! And easy peasy!

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I love the satin varnish finish. It does need extra baking though, just like matte. You must bake at 265 for nine minutes. Then cool completely, rotate the pieces and bake at least one more time for 9 minutes. Many people on this forum suggest you repeat this one more time for three total bakes. I have been okay with two but maybe I’ve just been lucky.

So you would suggest satin over matte? What is the difference?

The satin gives a more translucent appearance and is a little well, less matte. It’s not shiny however, just dewy looking. It has a better feel to it than the matte, I feel.

Where do you get yours, Helen? And what is the actual name of the product?

It’s Genesis Satin Varnish. I got it from Jerry’s Artarama.


Thanks, Helen. :grinning:

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The satin is great! It does make a more translucent finish and leaves a nice dewy finish to your baby. Here are a couple of pics of a few of my babies that I have used both on. The skin on the face is done with the regular matte varnish but i have used the satin over the nose and eyelids so you can see the difference in the finishes if you look closely. Another great product is Dewy Skin that comes form IART in the UK or there may be some local distributor in the USA (not sure as I am in Oz - short for Australia) Hope this helps


Starr, your babies are beautiful! Do you always use both matte and satin?

Thanks so much for your kind comments…I do most always use both…as you know with reborning it is all a matter of taste with the artist…lol I just like the dewy look around the eyes and nose like you see on a newborn bubs if they have been sleeping a while and the natural oils of their skin tend to put that little sheen on the eyelids and in the T zone and even in the ear cavity too so that is why I use then both. Reborning is so fun isn’t it…I don’t think there is a wrong way really as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and we all see things differently…that is what makes this art so much fun!.I love seeing every ones version of their babies on here too and it is great seeing some of the new artist coming on board as well…thank you again for stopping to comment…I even got brave today and decided to come out of hiding and change out my profile photo to a real pic of myself because you ladies are so nice! lol


Your gorgeous!:smiley:and thank you for the advice. I am wanting to place an order, I hope bb sells. Satin varnish:-)

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Hi Nichole, Not sure if this comment is for me but if so, you are a very lovely lady and I thank you. You are very kind for saying so. :slight_smile: On the satin varnish, BB is selling a 'new matte varnish" that is supposed to give more of a satin finish to the dolls now. I have not tried it yet but I did see it in their product line up. If you try it out, let us know if it does do a satin finish. I would love to know.


Thank you Starr! I was talking about u! And I sure will let u know:-) I found a jar of shine remover by secrist in my things. I looked up the reviews and it sounds like good stuff. I’m about to try it now… I’ll let u know:-)

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Your babes are gorgeous, What kits are they. I’m having a hard time figuring it out?

I’m glad you are now using a pic of yourself; I love seeing the actual member instead of a logo or baby.

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