Color technique help please

Guys I need to go from this skin tone
To this one
Suggestions PLEASE!!!

What a cutie! Have you tried a darker shade of paint? Thatā€™s where I would start. I donā€™t know the # for the paint but I would start with a coat of a darker shade of flesh and go from thereā€¦

Thanksā˜ŗļøthatā€™s my problem though, his skin tone already came from a long list of steps, mixing different colors etcā€¦soā€¦I wish someone knew and could tell me maybe what to mix up next lol

Maybe mix black or dark brown paint with maybe a # 7 flesh and add a little yellow, and thin it out, I had to change colors like that , but I just played around with colors , I finally got it!

Do not use black that will not tone down the redness. I would do few washes of blue and green until the redness is tones down. That will also darken the colour.


I would say a couple blue washes to tone the orange and reds. Do not use any flesh 08 in the mix. Mint can sometimes go gray when you are trying to move towards a neutral undertone ethnic color. Next I would do a thin wash or two of Flesh 06. Then start with the darker flesh tones building layers. I would try Flesh 04 with a little of one of the lighter shades mixed in. Stay with the darker flesh tones that are more neutral than warm to get the look above. Keep building thin layers. You can also play with mixing some of the flesh tones with each other. You can use Sap Green in ethnic mixes to get nice tie together of coloring. I like to use it as a last layer but sometimes use it in between layers.

This is an outline of colors but of course play with it as you go based on what you are seeing.