I have been working through all the kits I had bought on sale finished the non- realborn then went on to the realborn’s this little one was bought when Clyde first came out .
He had to wait a long time lol he sure has some big hands for such a little guy .At any rate now I will only buy what really appeals to me in a big way and not just because it is such a great price .
He is so darling!!!
Thanks !
He’s adorable! You did a great job!
Thank you !
Famous last words. Good luck, if bargain hunting and sales are in your blood you may be in trouble with that “only” statement. LOL
Thanks I think it is finally under control it has taken me a while admittedly lol for a while every day I would stalk the for sale kits .
I have looked and found a way past it for several months now before I would see one at a great price and even though it was something I would not go looking for it would end up in my cart
I know I just skip right to the forum so I can’t see the sales and when I get emails for new pre orders take a quick look and say no you have more than enough to do. LOL Addiction is hard to handle when they are cute babies staring at you. Got to go through my stash too.
Yeah I started out skipping the sales page then worked myself up to going but not pressing the buy button just leaving it all in the cart until sanity came back lol .
So I am pretty pleased with my new found willpower
Too funny I did the same thing , put it in the cart but don’t press buy, then left my cart there and I left.
do it enough it works and if you sign out clean your browser cashe it goes away ! desperate times desperate measures .
I need some of ure will power to rub off on me !! I have two many kits already and only been at this since Jan lol - I bought three last week and I m itching to buy Celeste cause she looks so cute and her body is on sale too lol - tell me she is not as cute as she looks lol
- i only get to make a couple dolls a month -so it’s gonna take awhile to finish the dozens I have already lol
-your Clyde is beautiful!!
He’s so precious
He is really cute, and it IS really hard to resist the BB sales. LOL
She is not as cute as she looks She is not one I am fond of. But I like her limbs
Splash here comes the power hope it gets there and Celeste is not one I fell victim to she is one of them that no matter how cheap her price I could resist .
Did that help dampen your ardor ? lol it took me years of falling down the rabbit hole before I came up with a game plan .
And Thank you for the compliment !
Thank you !!!
Thank you !! Yes it is something that can pretty well enslave you if you let it lol I can recall waking in the middle of the night once and ordering what I resisted the day before I had it bad .
Clyde turned out to be cute!
Like you, I’ve only recently somewhat gotten ahold of my kit hoarding problem. I sold off a huge box of kits below cost and am painting through what’s left. I only have one pre order. I’m going to be very careful from now on, making sure I really love the kit before I order. I think I might have around 15 or so lots atm… have to count. But I’d like to get that down to 5, 10 maximum.
I’m still in a Hotel, bored ordering stuff. I really need to get outta here! Very cute Clyde,