Clothes for ROSE

Just wondering for those of you going to ROSE and taking a baby with you------are you taking different outfits for your baby or just the clothes she/he is traveling in???


I like to be simple so baby will probably wear the same thing all week LOL


Good question, Lynn. Iā€™ll probably bring a couple of changes for Isobel.

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I hadnā€™t thought about it. I may take extra clothes.

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I usually bring more outfits for my baby than I do for myself. I figure it is the one time of year I get to ā€œplay dollsā€ and not feel weird about it.


Iā€™m with Mandyā€¦but I might not even bring a baby lol!

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I was reading on another forum last year and these women had pictures of the outfits they were taking for their babies and I was shocked, more clothes for the little ones than for themselves!! I thought----WOW, you are going to have to change these dolls several times a day to use all those clothes!! It was kinda funny, to each his own!! Just wondered if you ladies were going to several of the events and taking baby with you??

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@lynn some of us are crazier than others but hereā€™s what Iā€™m bringing. My competition baby will have its show outfit. My carry along baby will have PJā€™s to match mine and probably one other outfit. Just in case my competition baby were to sellā€¦Iā€™m going to bring her layette all wrapped and ready to go. I still havenā€™t decided which baby to bring to keep me company.

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Iā€™m so excited for the show I just canā€™t wait to see and meet everybody and see the babies they bring. Itā€™s going to be so great to finally ā€œseeā€ each others work style!! Iā€™m only going to the Baby Shower and the Show!


Melanie, can you say who your competition baby is? When are they judged? Will they be judged and have their ribbons when the show opens? Canā€™t wait to see them all!!

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Not allowed to say who it is. They are judged prior to the show but the winners are not revealed until the awards banquet. We arenā€™t allowed to show anyone our competition babies or we will be disqualified.

So we wonā€™t get to see the babies with their ribbons if we arenā€™t going to the awards banquet? When is the banquet? We will get to see the babies on a competition table at least-----wonā€™t we?

All competition babies will be on display during the show. We arenā€™t allowed to remove them until time for the Awards banquet at which time we find out who the winners are. I think the Awards Banquet is Friday the 22nd at 6:00 PM

The competition babies will also be on display at the awards banquet.

Doesnā€™t it get tiring carrying around multiple babies? I just wonderedā€¦I know I use to get tired just bringing one it to my Gift shop before I sold outā€¦Walking from the car park to the shop with a 5 - 6 pound doll was enough to make me want to go for a coffee break the minute I got in and put her/him downā€¦hahahaha!

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Dear Lynn and ladies. Since, I am not going to the Rose show, but watching the forum from my homeā€¦I would LOVE lots of posts from the show, so bring many dolly clothes. :heart_eyes:.


I am bringing 2 babies (one for me, one for my daughter), my daughter, a double stroller, the baby shower gifts, and our bags. We will only be there one night so we will not be bringing extra baby clothes.

I think it is funny that we all talk about ā€œover lovingā€ the dolls by customers that change them too much, then plan on bringing multiple outfits to change them intoā€¦ lol :kissing_heart: maybe botton up ones that dont go over thier heads?

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Lol yeah most people donā€™t listen to that - I know my mom changes hers every day :wink:

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I am too lazy to change them much LOL. My dolls here wear the same things for a few months before I change them LOL.


Iā€™m even worseā€¦I never change mine unless I see an outfit that I think might suit one better than what they are wearing or at the change of seasons or I do change them for the holidaysā€¦lol other than thatā€¦poor kids wear the same clothes for monthsā€¦I do have a few that I change more frequently but they are the one that are ā€˜familyā€™ā€¦the others are collectiblesā€¦:smile: