Chunky AA June Asleep πŸ’œ


She is gorgeous! I love her skin tone!

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Her toes are beautiful! Amazing detail

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Wow shes amazing! Everytime I try an AA, I cant get the shading right! And the skin so smooth!!! You are very talented :heart_eyes:

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Just stunning! WOW!!! :two_hearts:

Which body did you use for her?

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She is absolutely precious!!

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She is absolutely beautiful !!!

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Very sweet. She’s lovely.

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She is amazing!

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Wow! Skin tone and rooting are so beautiful!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Gorgeous! I love that skin texture!

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Shes precious.i love her skin tone.

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Thank you everyone! :blush:

She’s beautiful!! Just love her!!