Check out this scam

paypal helps sell real babys now

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…and for $66.89. I want one. lol


A ton of them are using real babies now :frowning:

This is the things they send for the REAL babies

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how many people get cheated by these people it doesn’t seem like anyone cares but the ones getting cheated

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Hundreds. :frowning: My pinned post listing the 368 scam sites and pages I have found since August has been seen 30,000
Our thread on this forum has over 1000 comments and seen 54,000 times (yes a lot of that is forum members but not all)


I prefer them using pictures of real babies rather than prototype reborns :laughing: If someone is at all uncertain of what these scam sites are selling, they could do a reverse image search, its super easy and would quickly show the origin of the photo in question. I’m tired of people joining and posting on our forum to talk to artists about how they spent $70.00 and didn’t get a prototype reborn in the mail. This forum is a wonderful resource for artists and collectors… not people who didn’t do their research before purchasing online


Yes, people should do research before making a major purchase online or otherwise. But no one deserves to be scammed either. The amount of scams for this art is appalling, to the point that finding genuine artists and reputable sites isn’t easy. Sad when the scam sites come up in a search way ahead of anything reputable.


Thanks for these photos. I was wondering what they actually got when they order a real baby.

Sorry, but if they are stupid enough to believe those real babies are dolls, they deserve to be cheated. :woman_facepalming:t2:


YES!!! And it’s crazy how within an hour of buying from those sites, they suddenly find this forum or all the Facebook scam pages. How did they not know to research before buying, but suddenly know to research after buying? A lot don’t catch on until they get the ugly plastic doll in the mail. But a huge portion seem to get suspicious right after buying. It makes no sense. That tells me they knew they were probably getting scammed before they bought. :woman_shrugging:t2:


It’s like they are thumbing their noses at everyone. They put this right on the order page. “Identifying with specificity the rights alleged to be violated.”

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some people are vulnerable and not quite as smart as others. That doesn’t mean they deserve to be scammed

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apparently this little one can change its appearance

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4 different kits and a real baby. Wow.

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A lot of the new ones are doing that… :frowning:

Vulnerable is one thing. But that’s clearly a real baby.

I woulds hope that no one has fallen for the real baby scams

Unfortunately some have.

On AliExpress they show pics of artists dolls, let’s say there’s a pic a Twin A and it even says that in description. Then go to actual pics further down and it’s not even a fake replica, it’s a totally different kit, one of the cheap mass produced kits that’s between out for years. Crazy.

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