Check Out My Scuplts Of Reborn Baby Dolls

I couldn’t seem to find a thread on this so I have made a new one . My name is Bri and I’am a artist/sculptor of reborn dolls . I love sculpting reborn dolls even though I haven’t been doing it that long maybe about 4-5 weeks? . What do you think of this baby (it is called Elena) is it good enough ? Please note that as this is currently a polymer clay sculpt it has not been painted . I would love some feedback as I would love to become a full time reborn doll sculptor one day.
Thanks Bri


Sure looks like you are on the right track.Good job.Just noticed how young you are,I imagine some day in the future we will be seeing kits made by you.


That is a good start, needs bit of refining of details, but definitely on right track :slight_smile:

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Yes I’m only 17 . I do hope that I can eventually make a living by scuplting reborns as I love it so much. @CarolinaCuties @ludmila


Like the ladies already said…I can see lots of talent…you definitely have a knack for this!!

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Great work! Especially only 4-5 weeks in, that’s incredible!!


Oh my god, I can’t wait to see more sculpts by you if this little cutie is only 5 weeks in!

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Thanks so much @cherielynn09 @Summer and yes I will keep you updated with new sculpts @OneBigThistle


Yes, keep up the good work. You have a great future ahead of you.

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Aww thanks so much :slight_smile: @annalane58

very nice lots of talent

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Very nice! Awesome!!!

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I’m amazed that you sculpt this well after only 4 or 5 weeks. And you are so young! You definitely have talent. Keep learning and practicing, and no doubt we will be buying kits sculpted by you one day!


Thanks guys :wink: @alicekay56 @katieperry and yes that is my goal to eventually sell my kits @DollyPardon

Looks great. She reminds me of Tristan

These are just some other WIP scuplts I did

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sleeping baby is my favorite.You should work with it a little more.Narrow out the nostrils and smooth that baby up.You do have lots of talent.Keep at it.