Charlotte or Naomi

I think I am going to order a seconds kit of one of these, I just can’t decide which. Which is your favorite?


I like Naomi’s limbs better… but her body is more. So I went with Charlotte Seconds…

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Get both think of it as that’s what you would spend on one at full price :grin:


I like that logic!


Great thinking, my kind of shopper.


I just got Daisy in the mail yesterday and she is DARLING; my Charlotte will be here in a couple of days. I prefer these faces over Naomi’s.


I like Naomi’s face but wish her bottom lip was a tiny bit bigger (more visible). I think I need to see more versions of her. :slight_smile:


Me too! :smile:

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Are there still seconds? I can’t find them😲

I got Charlotte. I bought myself Daisy the other day.

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Yes, me too. They are cute, but I love the Daisy sculpt! Got mine in already. Tempted to start on her, but busy painting hair.

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take them both…you also save on shipping LOL !!! ( just encouraging you )

I live in Salt Lake City so I just pick my orders up from the warehouse. that was good reasoning of a true reborner though, lol

I like the full arms & legs on Naomi & Charlotte, Daisy has 3/4 arms (or legs, I don’t remember which) and I don’t love the profile of Daisy’s face.

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I just ordered a Charlotte kit…i think she is adorable and i love her mouth

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I really like her mouth as well, that is the main thing making me lean towards her over Naomi

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I like Naomi’s limbs better, but I like Charlotte’s mouth more. That is why I am stuck. Every time I think I have made a decision, I look at both of them and don’t know if I want to go with the mouth I like or the limbs I like. I am trying to look at the glass half full by saying I am going based on the features I like instead of what I am willing to sacrifice. Ultimately I like them both and if I could get them both, I would.