Changes at basketbabies

Carmen at Basketbabies has instituted some ordering changes. She has been getting too many orders and it has become a health risk for her to continue processing them. She has instituted a new slot system. Every Monday she has 15 slots available and that is all she will take for the week. You have to check with facebook to see how many slots are available before you submit an order. If there are no slots you have to wait until the next monday. I have to agree that she needs to do this, but it’s a blow to me as I was trying to make an order today and there were no slots til Monday. I suspect they fill up very quickly too. :


She’s also only taking orders from customers that have ordered in the past 6 months.

Yeah, I meant to say that. Luckily, I have! I love her bodies and would hate to have to look elsewhere.

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Helen-----you are saying you have to check with facebook to see if she has slots available??? I don’t know how to use facebook so how am I going to order or know when to do so? Help!!

I think she has a link to her facebook page on her website. Each Monday morning after 7 a.m. she posts how many slots are open and you just go to her website and order. You don’t order on facebook.

Thanks Helen, I thought for sure I was screwed !!!

Not if you’ve ordered in the last six months. She’s not taking new customers.

Here’s what Carmen emailed to me when i asked how it worked…

“I start the most current post with each Monday’s date and listing the 15 slots as available. As I receive orders, I comment on that same post indicating how many slots remain. Yes, the only updates are on that Facebook page… It is just too difficult to constantly update the website.”

I have ordered in the last six months.


So that means you have to order from her facebook? I don’t know how to use facebook, what do I do?

No, you visit her facebook to see how many slots are available, but you order from her webpage as always. You just need to claim a slot quickly on Monday. At least that’s how I understand it.

I’ll race ya!