Change logo or keep?

So with my business evolving and now including my crochet items, i am considering a logo change. I created a new logo with Canva but i also still like my old logo (it includes my nephews feet.) The new design is more elegant though i think. I figured i would get an opinion on here. What do you guys think? Change or keep? First picture is old logo and second is the redesign.


I’d go with the new one, it feels more logo like and will be more recognizable to customers.


I would keep the original.

I like the new one :grin:

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I would use the new one. See if you can incorporate the other picture in thank you stickers or some kind of promotional items. Maybe birth certificates?


I like the new one better

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I am for the new logo. Looks very professional, love it!

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I like the new one :smiley:

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I love the new one.

I like the new logo best.

New one!

The new one is more professional and can be used as a watermark as well if you take out the background color

I’d add ‘and crochet’ to the old one because I think it stands out more.


I like the original because it feels more homemade.
The new one is new and trendy - but I think that means it could look dated quickly.

Can you lighten the opacity of the photo in old logo, so that the black text sticks out more?
I agree with @jeanhai, maybe add something like “& Crochet”

Yes to using the old one’s text as a watermark. I really like the old font.

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I like the new one.

I like the new one.

New one

I would take the text of the new one and place it over the original photo but make the photo faded down so the text stand out.


I really like the new one, it looks a lot more professional and with a solid background you can easily remove the background so you can use that logo on photos as well. If you love the feet you can always remove your new logo background and use the new logo over the feet (make the photo more transparent) for business cards. But for your actual logo I wouldn’t use a photo.