Chanel looks dolly 😞

Well it’s official. My Chanel looks really dolly to me. Did anyone else discover this when reborning her? It’s a shame too because she is my first Caucasian baby. Im Rooting her hair now and I will decide what I’m going to do with her when I’m finished.


Can we see her? Most do, but that doesn’t mean it’s not cute, but I have seen a few who passed beyond that and created a really cute “baby”.


She’s a whip with hair partially done. But yes I can post pictures. (Oh and one eyebrow thats been rooted and needs to be trimmed down.

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That’s disappointing. I’ve been wanting to get her

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I did an adjustment on her upper lip. It’s too pointy for me and I I think that’s what makes her look so ‘dolly’. I haven’t painted her yet but it looks much better.

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Sorry my lighting is not good. I tried to pick the best pictures from the bunch.


She looks ok to me, once you get her eyelashes done I think she will look less Dolly, she is cute!

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Thanks. I’ve been getting frustrated and thought about stopping with her. I will go ahead and finish her.

You did a great job on her lips

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Try some side peeking eyes on her. See if that helps. Also, raise the iris toward the top just a bit to reduce the staring look. That’s another thing that makes dolls look dolly.


Here’s the one I did ~ she does have a dolly look to her, much like Shyann, but she sold right away. Still, I don’t think I’ll ever do another one:


Ok I will try that. The kit called for 20mm eyes but they seemed to be too small for the sockets so I went up to 22’s which means that they don’t have room to be repositioned. I will pop the 20s back in so that I can position them a different way. Thanks so much!

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I need to learn those tricks too!

Here is the Chanel that I made.


She came out really cute!

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You Chanel is really good! Thanks for sharing! Gives me hope🙂

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Here’s mine. When BB released her and Candy they had a contest. I entered but didn’t get selected. I was depressed about 3 months. I can’t even look at her without remembering that pain. I deleted all her pictures except this one.


I think Chanel looks dolly anyway. However it seems the ones we think look dolly sell the fastest.


oh and yours is looking good other than the old man eyebrow :joy: trim that joker down!