Challange kit match

I am considering a few options! Which would be a good kit match for… MRS. Mia Wallace

Harley Quinn


And… Are we doing any kit? Or just bb kits for this challenge?


I think Miranda said bb preferable but not necessary :slight_smile:


Any kit for the Challenge, Gabriella by Reva Schick or Rowan for Harley Quinn. The same two kits might work for Mrs. Mia Wallace too.


Wow!!! Cool!!!

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Gabriella by Reva Schick is the better match, but Rowan would be more of a younger version possible match.


I was also thinking Rowan for Harley Quinn

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What do you ladies think of Channel for Harley?

Are we allowed to let people know who we are doing? If so that is great cause I have a couple I am thinking of as well and could use some kit help?? Please let us know if we have to keep it secret or not cause if not, I need HELP!!! I have been out of the loop for a long time…I never watch TV ever!!! and only watch docos, older tv series, etc Yes I know, I am boring!!! lol SO…my character bubs will probably be from the 1980’s and earlier…if I can find something to match…lol :smile:


We are allowed for kit help! But you have to send a few choices to match so know one know who you are actually doing!!! Can’t wait to see your pics @westernstarr

Thank you! I will right now!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Ok, I can thank my eldest granddaughter for this one as I took her to see Monsters Inc when it came out in the theaters…

or this one, which is a throw back from when I was young though I think they remade a movie in 2014 from what it says on the internet

I was also thinking of a few others but not sure how I would go with them…I would like to find some sort of a fairy type figure to think about as well but don’t know any to look for…I sort of thought the awake BB fairy might make a good Yoda from Star Wars though…lol

I have a reserve idea if none of the above works…I probably truly need someone to help me pick a character and the kit to make it…hahahahahaha!


BB’s Samantha or Jesse for Annie, Possibly Kendal for the little girl from Monster Inc. Just my thoughts right off.

My father-in-law said Irelyn reminds him of a baby Yoda.

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True and it is for fun!!

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Ireland would make an awesome yoda!!!

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Starr! Do JEM !!!She is a rockstar!!!

That might be fun!..what kit for her? I was looking her up on the internet…is it a cartoon one or is there a real one? I am so lost…hahahahaha!

I’ll keep thinking of ideas for you! What about someone from history , from the documentaries you watch with hubby?? Maybe make someone he loves … For him!!!