CELESTE ~ one more question

When can we start listing our Celeste’s for sale?

Mama needs money to buy more kits! :laughing:

Don’t want to break any challenge rules, though, so thought I’d better ask.


Karen, I think you have to wait till the voting is over, otherwise people could see your work and know which one is yours. If you can sell it with out any forum members seeing it, go right ahead. :wink: The winner will be announced early August 4th at the latest, but the voting will be closed 11pm eastern August 3rd.


Thanks ~ she goes on the chopping block on the 4th then! :smile:


Can you just IMAGINE the load of Celeste’s hitting the auction sites next week? :laughing:

Oh well, the more the merrier!


I was naughty and sent photos to some of my long time customers…(they are not on this forum so would not be voting of course) and mine are adopted and on their way to their new home…woohoo…So on to other things…lol
Not sure if I will be able to do the next one as I will be full kilter into a move but if not…will probably have to wait for the next one… :disappointed:


Where do you go to vote?

I will be putting up the pics and instructions how to vote tonight after 9pm. I’m hoping to have the poll open by 11pm eastern. They will definitely be available by early tomorrow morning at the latest. (this is only if I have computer glitches in loading the pics)