? ? ? CBC Voting - Please Read?

Thanks ladies…Looks like the Yes is getting the vote at this point…I will let this run another day just to let some of the other ladies have a say but at this point in time looks like we will be voting in 4 winners… :smile:

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Woohooooooo 4!!!

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I like the idea of 4 winners and as for the christmas presentation…where did I put the garland …ornaments and bell.

I don’t know a lot of the new people on here or their skill level…or mine some days! So I am really going to throw caution to the wind and ask a question. If you already have the format for voting, would it be possible to have two contests? One for reborning and another for Christmas spirit? And allow any baby in the Christmas spirit contest. That would let those who don’t have time to make a baby participate as long as they don’t use a baby we would recognize right away. And it would let those who are just starting to reborn have fun without competing for reborning skill, just for imagination. .I would be willing to come up with some prizes for three places. Just a suggestion.

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@westernstarr there are a few replies to this topic under the Christmas, where you posted this first. I just want everyone to be counted. Thus I am repeating that I would like three places on both. It would like to see equal recognition for creativity in Christmas spirit.

Oops, just read the section on the other thread. Someone else had same ideas as me so ignore my other post! I vote for six winners, three reborning, three Christmas!

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I vote for jesses idea!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️@westernstarr

I would love to be able to do this BUT…unfortunately, the challenge is designed so that no one knows who each doll and presentation belongs to so if people are allowed to use dolls that others have seen it defeats the purpose of keeping them secret and could result in partial voting…that is not meant that anyone is dishonest but it is human nature sometimes to allow our feeling for a person to overshadow objective decisions if you know what I mean. Not saying that people would intentionally vote for friends but we may look though a different less critical set of eyes if our feelings are involved…that is why the dolls used in this Challenge have to be unseen, unpublished, etc so that it puts everyone on the same foot starting out…

On the issue of having 2 contest…hmmmmm This contest in essence encompasses the doll and the presentation in a Christmas environment to start with so the voting is based on both… the overall idea is to present your doll in the most inspiring Christmas Display you can create -…so really the voting for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are already being voted on for presentation and I think to try and separate them will be a bit redundant as well as complicate things… i AM SORRY AS IT WAS MY FAULT FOR CONFUSING THE SITUATION… :disappointed: So just to clarify…the main voting is based on the Presentation more so than the actual reborning of the doll :smile:

I want you ladies to have as much fun voting as the ladies participating with an entry- the photos that I have received so far…well let’s just say that if all the ladies that said they were entering, enter comparable work, this is going to be one tough challenge to vote on I think you’ll all have a great time with it!

Actually there are no prizes given in our forum challenges…they are for fun and a way for us all to enjoy each others work…sort of like a forum Christmas party where we all get together for a little while! :smile: I am doing a little something special with everyone’ who enters photos though that I hope will be a nice surprise after the voting is past…Actually working on it now but it is for after the voting is done… :wink:


@westernstarr since you have viewed the participants, I am very willing to take your judgement that I will be too confused to pick a 1st 2nd and third in the category of Christmas spirit. Would you please… for me, list the top three that have the most votes for Christmas spirit. It will make me smile :smiley: .

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Hi Syndi, Sorry, I didn’t quite understand your comment…could you please clarify and I will try and answer…I apologize if I confused this with my question…If you’re asking about whether the winners will be posted for every one to see? Yes…This is how it will work…All the pictures will be posted hopefully by 11pm on November 27th… The voting will run from the 28th - 30th and end at 9pm EST on the 30th…During the voting everyone will PM me with their choices - .after the voting closes I will get the final tally done and will post the winners for everyone to see…If this isn’t what you were asking…please let me know and I will be happy to try and help… :smile:

OK so here we go…The challenge is the same as ever…no changes…the judging was always about judging what photos portrayed the most Christmas spirit regardless of the Reborning…so Places 1 2 and 3 are for us to vote on MOST CHRISTMAS SPIRIT…I have decided to add a 4th place winner as well just because I think we’ll have enough ladies entering to make it appropriate…

Really sorry if there was confusion…I was the one confused…lol
I am going back to the top of this topic and making the corrections so anyone who may come across it who hasn’t already read it will know from the start instead of having to wade through all this…lol

SAME RULES… VOTING ‘BEST PRESENTATION’ and adding an extra 4th place to the winning votes! :smile:

Hello Star, You decided to add a 4th place for just Christmas Spirit, which any doll can win. When the votes are tallied, will you list all the votes for 4th category Christmas Spirit along with all the votes for 1st 2nd 3rd overall. Thus,by looking at the tally, the nest runner up and so on will be known…in the Christmas Spirit category. Just like any election where one vote does it all. I feel that there is an advertising plus… if you win the overall 1st, 2nd, 3rd, when the doll is sold this was pointed out before. However, this is not true for the Christmas Spirit category.

I know that my work does not compare to others on this forum. My only winning is the knowledge that my doll is actually in a picture posted next to yours and the others. Although from this I benefit for I see where I need to go. There is no complaining for you and the others do awesome work and deserve all the bells and whistles. I am thankful that such gifted artists have time and generosity to guide others.

Hi Syndi…I am sure that your babies are lovely…just always remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so everyone will have those who really love their dolls and some that won’t like it as well…I don’t think it matters how good you are, people always have different likes and dislikes so we all will have people who love what we do…that is the beauty of reborning…

On the voting…There is only one category - BEST PRESENTATION - Yayyyyyy…that means that all 4 places will be for the the pictures that give us the most wonderful feelings of Christmas…The reborn in the picture is important in that we are a reborning website and we all love the babies but the main interest will be in the way you display your baby in the photos and not so much about how great your reborning skills. .I am sorry if my previous question was confusing…What I had done is go back and clarify it to let everyone know we are just doing 1 category and it will be judged on your Christmas Spirit Presentation only now we are going to have 4 winners in the same category instead of 3…hope that helps! :smile:


How fun… :slight_smile: :slight_smile: I do enjoy a good presentation! :heart:️:christmas_tree:

Thanks Star for the clarification, managing the challenge, and sharing your knowledge.

You are most very welcome… :smile:

Hi Syndi, Sorry I missed answering this…Yes, I am happy to list the number of stars received by each of the 4 winners…I will do that when I announce who they are so am very happy to list the scores beside those…

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Please send photos to


Please include your Name, Forum Name, Nursery Name if you have one and if you have a website or if you have a Facebook page dedicated to your reborns. please include a link if you would like others to find you…



Please send photos to


Please include your Name, Forum Name, Nursery Name if you have one and if you have a website or if you have a Facebook page dedicated to your reborns. please include a link if you would like others to find you…