CanI see your micro-premies?

So I’m painting a Shasta Winters (elf baby). He’s adorable - only 8". But now that I have him, I’m realizing my normal mottling methods aren’t going to work on him. He is so tiny!

Can anyone show me their tiny micros? Especially details like hands, feet, closeups of skin? Thanks!

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I made a smaller mottling sponge with tinier holes. Here are by Bean and Sprout. They were painted with air dry. I don’t have any close-ups of hands and feet but can get some later if I think of it.


Lilly Loo is 9". I used same mottling sponges as I always use


Wow. Both of these little beans are just precious.


aww Shasta is the first reborn kit I ever painted from scratch! She is so so cute.

idk if this is helpful, I made mine blue!
she’s inspired by Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe


Oh, she’s beautiful

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My little Maria was only 12" and she was tricky. Especially the nails. The little Berenguer mini 9 1/2" is the smallest one I’ve done. The picture’s a bit blurry. I do like the itty bitty ones, though.

