Can we bring Spit bubbles back?

Does anyone know how she did this?


We used to use paper glaze and a syringe with a needle in it. Use the syringe to push air into the Paper Glaze making bubbles. Some dealers also sold/sell spit bubble solution for this.

Sandie also sells the little plastic straw bubble maker thingy

That’s how I always did it too. I’ve had trouble doing it these days. I managed to get some done with some old paperglaze. The ones on Leandre are still kind of white, instead of clear like mine turned out. I was just curious how she got them to look that way.

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Probably put a little white acylic paint in the mix.

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I used an insulin syringe (given to me by a friend) and the bubble solution. It worked really well but the bubbles deflated over time so I don’t make them any more.

You can add glass beads to the paper glaze…

I’ve tried using this multiple times, the bubbles look great at first, but colasps. :confused: I’ve never been able to keep them.

I have some tiny, round, clear glass beads that I’ve used with good results. I had forgotten about them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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